Morpheus8 Skin Rejuvenation

What is Morpheus8? 
Morpheus8 is a combination therapy that uses radiofrequency and microneedling to target the deep layers of the skin. As a result, Morpheus8 is expected to promote collagen formation and skin renewal and regeneration from within. Morpheus8 can be used on the face and body, and unlike many other skin resurfacing treatments, it has minimal risk of creating post-treatment inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which means it is a great choice for patients with darker skin tones.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduces the appearance of acne, wrinkles, and sagging skin

  • Tightens skin from within

  • Is minimally invasive with little downtime

  • Creates little to no thermal damage to your skin

  • Can be used on both the face and the body – popular treatment areas are the lower face, neck, and legs

  • Results are long-lasting and natural-looking


Who is a good candidate?
Good candidates are patients of all ages and all skin types, who are looking to repair sagging cheeks, deep facial lines, and small deposits of fat on the face and neck.

When will I see results and when can I return to everyday activities?
Some patients see improvements in their skin immediately after treatment! There is little to no recovery because the Morpehus8 treatment is non-invasive. However, 3-5 days of rest is recommended as there can be moderate facial skin swelling following the treatment.